From "deliciously simple" to "elegant and refined"

Our restaurant is elegantly decorated and located in the main building of the hotel. We offer a menu with a strong bias upon the glorious seafood that is caught in the waters between the hotel and the Summer Isles. Our style is simple food with dishes that are full of flavour and cooked really well. The menu follows the season with local produce used wherever possible. Most guests like to start the evening with pre-dinner drinks in our lounge bar, situated opposite the restaurant.
Our wines are supplied by some of the oldest and most versatile wine merchants in the UK. We pride ourselves in the quality and depth of our wine cellar that has been created over the years, especially with regard to our selection of wines that marry particularly well with seafood. Real ale is on offer and the selection of Scottish gins increases by the week!
Paul Bussey was appointed Head Chef in 2023. He quickly adopted the ethos of the hotel and introduced "firm favourates" such a the Achiltibuie Langoustine Skewer, Summer Isles Fishcake, Highland Venison Cooked Over Coals and - not forgetting - our Twice Baked Mull Cheddar Cheese Souffle! Paul and his team return in 2024.

Liên Hệ

Địa chỉ

Summer Isles Hotel,
Achiltibuie, Ross-shire,
Scotland, IV26 2YQ

Điện Thoại

01854 622282


Vị trí

Gọi Chúng Tôi

01854 622282

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