A meeting place for the local community, guests and visitors to Achiltibuie

Open Monday to Saturday from midday until 11pm and Sunday from 12:30 until 11pm.
Lunch is served from opening until 2pm (2:30pm on Sunday) and dinner is served from 6pm until 9pm.
Our bar was a favourite stopping point for crofters in the 19th Century. When you step inside, you’re walking in the footsteps of those who worked the land and sea many years ago. Some traditions never fade and you’ll find that the bar is still a favourite haunt of the local community. For those who travel here regularly, it’s good to know there’s still refreshment at the end of the road, with a warm welcome, a fine selection of drinks and a bar menu that changes daily. If dining in the bar, guests are most welcome to choose from bar or restaurant menu.
The bar has seating for 20 guests with beautiful views towards the sea and the Summer Isles. Outside, we have a large beer garden where you can enjoy drinks and food whilst taking in those spectacular views.
If you would like to reserve a table in our bar, please call the hotel on 01854 622282 or use our contact form here. Please note that you will need to wait for our confirmation email to confirm your booking.
Dogs are most welcome in the bar assuming that they are on best behaviour!

Liên Hệ

Địa chỉ

Summer Isles Hotel,
Achiltibuie, Ross-shire,
Scotland, IV26 2YQ

Điện Thoại

01854 622282



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Gọi Chúng Tôi

01854 622282

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